Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 Goals

I've tried New Year's Resolutions before without much success and no accountability.  So this year I'm going to do goals for 2011.  When I look at this post in a year I wonder how many things I will have finished.  Feel free to keep me accountable.

1. Buy and begin to fix up our first home.
2. Finish our wedding scrapbook (not even half way done, pathetic I know) and begin Addilece's "Life Story" book (we aren't doing a "baby book" with her due to the fact that none of our other children will have baby books....we are going to try and make them as similar as possible).
3.  Spend two kid free weekends with my hubby (one possibly being a trip).
4.  More date nights (that's a hard one).
5.  Go camping for the first time.
6.  Loose an inch or two in the waist.
7.  Teach Addilece her first Bible Verse. 
8.  Tony beginning Grad School.
9.  Start saving for our adoptions.
10.  Build our emergency fund back up to one month of emergency money
11.  Leave our food budget where it is at but eat healthier.
12.  Completely potty train Addilece using the 3 day method. 

Lots to do but all of it is definitely with in reach.  Loosing the inches in the waist and date nights with the hubby are definitely the hardest. 

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