We got married while both of us were still in college. When we found out we were pregnant five months later it was a bit of a shock. However, we knew that God had put this child in our lives for a very specific reason. While nothing to terrible happened during the pregnancy, it did have its ups and downs and a few complications.
On July 31, 2009 at 5:13 pm we delivered a very healthy 7lb, 9 oz baby girl. We were ecstatic. Five hours later I was being rushed into emergency surgery due to excessive hemorrhaging and a placenta that had been delivered in pieces. I woke up at 2:30 am to find out that things were worse then they seemed and that an emergency hysterectomy had been performed.
That moment was a life changer for Tony and I. Our dreams got turned upside down. Over the last year and a half God has used that to mold and shape us. He is replacing our dreams and desires with his. He is knitting our marriage into a closeness we might not of known other wise. He is creating a very deep longing to help the orphan and the least of these both in our community and around the world.
We received our fostering license in April 2012. We accepted our first placement in May 2012. We have our 10 year old son for 5 hard but God filled weeks and then he went back home to his mom. We are currently taking care of a six year old boy and three year old twins.
That is what our blog is all about. Its the journey God is taking us on and what he is teaching us. It about the daily steps of giving EVERYTHING to him. It is filled with our passion for those hurting around us. We pray it will bless you, comfort you, and challenge you.