Yesterday I did one of the things I fear the most. I locked my keys in my car....along with my wallet and cell phone. However, it made for the perfect opportunity to allow God to work and here is how:
* It was 4:30 and Tony gets off work at 5. By 5:20 he had come to rescue us. We weren't waiting too long.
* We happened to be at a local hospital to return a nebulizer we had rented a few weeks back. They had a phone and a phone book (Tony's number is long distance and his work number is saved in my phone so I don't have it memorized) for me to use. I didn't have to find a pay phone and the elderly lady at the information desk was such a sweetheart.
* I had a dollar on me. I almost never have cash on me and when I do it's in my wallet (which was in the car). I was able to get Addilece a snack so I had a happy little girl. They also had a water cooler and cups so not having a sippy cup was fine.
* Addilece had broken her sandal (trying to get it off) which is what had distracted me. We were in a place that we could sit that was clean (unlike maybe a store) and had few people around to worry about her being shoeless (unlike maybe the library).
* Addilece didn't get a poppy diaper. Let me just tell daughter has a LOT of poppy diapers. The fact that she didn't was a miracle. The diaper bag, by the way, was what was holding everything else.
* We didn't have to pay anything on the rental right then. So we were able to return it without me needing my debit card.
As I was thinking through this list last night I thought for a minute, "why didn't God just keep me from locking my keys in the car." God could of easily have done that. However, I know that I would not have given him credit for that. I would of thought "Oh how fortunate" and went on with my day. This way I was able to see God work about my protection for His glory. This could of been a very bad situation but it wasn't.
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