Monday, August 15, 2011

God Will Keep Us Afloat


That is the way to describe life from after Christmas until.....forever?  Ok, not that long, but you'll get what I mean here in a minute.

This will be a busy fall.  We are going full force into the foster license.  We meet with our Liscensing working on the 8th of September and our PRIDE classes start October 4th (27 hours worth of classes).  Tony will be studying for and taking the GMAT.  He will also be applying for Grad School.

However, this Spring is where life flips for us.  Tony will hopefully be returning to school part time to get his MBA.  He has to have it and its time he goes back.  We have no clue what that will look like (evenings weekends, time away to study, number of years). It will also mean that our licenses is close to being completed and so foster kids here we come.  With the desperation for foster families we won't be child less for too long after we receive it.

We know that this is were God would have us.  I'm glad we can be so confident in this.  If we weren't I'm not sure how we would survive.  But we will.  I look forward to testifying to His grace through out this rather busy period in our lives.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

We had a conversation recently with a new couple in our church who adopted 5 years ago, and I had a similar conversation with the missionaries I worked with in Israel.
When you know God has called you, it may not always be easy. It doesn't necessarily mean He will pave the road in front of you. But what you can be guaranteed of is this: He will walk through it with you.

Excited to see all He will do in and through in the days and weeks to come!