Wednesday, July 22, 2009

38 Weeks Pregnant

Update as of 7/24 (latest doc appointment):
*Almost 2 cm
*Definete dropping of the baby

Doctor says that it will be "hit and miss" from here. She is pretty confident I will deliever by my due date. If not she will let me go one more week before she induces. Its nice to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel...but I'm still getting really discouraged. Is that normal for every pregnant woman? I know it will end and I know it will be in the next few weeks but I just want it over now. I just feel aweful. My body is so worn out. So I am praying for strength and endurance (I know what happens to people who pray for

This is just a quick pregnancy update:

As of 7/17:
*1.5 cm dilated
*75% effaced
*Doctor Dameron: "We will probably see you at your appointment next week but from there it will be hit and miss. Things are definitely progressing."

Changes I've seen:
*A definite drop in the baby's position
*this child has pushed him/herself all the way in front
*Spurts of "cleaning energy"
*The bathroom is my best friend...or at least it wants to think it is
*My poor skin is stretched farther then anybody's skin deserves and is incredibly itchy...yuck.

I am READY to have this baby. Depending on the time of day depends on how well I'm holding up. I can be fine w/ being pregnant and 1/2 hour later I am crying telling Tony that I just can't do it anymore. I am anxious to hold my child. To call my child by his or her name and just love them. Today I was humbly reminded though that God has his perfect timing and I must wait for Him. He knows exactly how long my baby needs to be in the womb to get everything he/she needs. I was reminded today of orphans waiting for loving parents they may never know, loving parents waiting to see if a child gets to become theirs, those waiting on jobs, and so many other things. My wait pales in comparison. I am thankful that the Lord has given me this desire to "just be done" because I think it means I'm ready to begin this journey of being a mom. However, I need to remind myself to trust God with His timing, not an easy thing to do!

Baby Showers Galore:
I had two amazing baby showers in the last few weeks. My work surprised me with one, it was truly a surprise. And my church blessed me with another. We received such beautiful and amazing things. I am completely overwhelmed by God's goodness in our lives and the way he has provided. Thank you for everyone who took the time and resources to bless us and our child! I hope you know how grateful we are.

The "Nest" is ready:
I had a check list....amazingly its almost all the way checked off. A week ago I didn't feel anywhere close to completing it. The apartment has gotten a floor to ceiling cleaning (although it may need another one if this baby doesn't come soon), we got new furniture and got it all situated (slipped covered and a new rug), we finally (after living here two months) got all our pictures hung up, the baby's room is ready to go, and our bags are packed. It feels so nice to have that load off my back...its unexplainable.

1 comment:

rachel b said...

hang in there!! dr. dameron is my doc too...she's great!! ;)