Friday, October 12, 2012


Do you remember a few days ago I talked about a visit our kids had in which their father did not show.  Baby Girl had taken this visit especially hard.  She felt rejected, abandoned, alone, unworthy, hurt.  She was angry at her father. 

The next day something had been said to Baby Girl by her older brother that had been very hurtful.  I went into the girls' room that morning to help them get dressed and to help smooth things over.  I told my girls that they were beautiful.  I told them that it didn't matter what they looked like or what they wore.  I let them know that God looked at their insides, at their hearts, and to Him they were beautiful, special princesses.

The rest of the day Baby Girl would run up to me with a smile on her face and declare, "I'm a pin-cess, Mommy."  Over and over and over again she said this.  For the first time in three months she accepted the fact that she could be a Princess.  She accepted  that she could be beautiful.  She felt worth in herself.

And that, my friends, is the healing and redemptive power of Christ.  We are able to speak the healing power and light of God's word into a very dark and hurt little heart.  We are seeing God heal this special little girl from the inside out.  We again are awed and humbled by being front row to God's miracles. 

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