Sunday, August 15, 2010


Well, this is two weeks late....sorry.....

My Sweetie Pea turned one on July 31st.  We had a party to celebrate the week before.  Tony and I are unsure is we will ever celebrate a 1st birthday again so we made a commitment to each other that we would enjoy it but we would keep the stress out of it.  I think that's what we did. 

It is such fun to have a 1 year old.  She walks EVERYWHERE.  She is so happy and so interactive.  She loves to be outside and be independent.  She loves, loves, loves to read (yes, that makes a momma super proud).  She will point to her  Bible every night b/c she knows that's what we read.  She wants to dance when she hears music and her favorite thing to do is interact w/ people.

I'm am so proud to be this rambunctious, opinionated, loveable, snugly little girls mommy.  God has blessed me beyond what I could ever dream.

1 comment:

patti said...

Great new picture!
Oh, dear one, God has great plans in store for y'all.

Just you wait and see...