Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No Room

"God gave us four bedrooms for a reason.  I don't think they are suppose to stay empty."  This was a comment I made to a friend recently when she had brought up our decision to begin Foster Care.  She quickly replied with a comment about how many spare/guest rooms there were in the this and what would it be like if people were willing to give them away.

A dream.  A dream to see children with no bed, fill one of the many empty beds across America.

This really got me thinking about what we "have room for" and what we "don't have room for". So often in America we "don't have enough money" or "enough time" or "enough room."  I know I'm guilty of that many times.  But I wonder if the real issue is there isn't enough room in our hearts.  Are we opening up our hearts to what God truely wants or are we looking at the world through American Christianity. 

Everything we have is not just from God.  It IS God's.  But what does that look like in our lives.  I think if we were truly able to view things as God's and NOT ours the world would look a little different.  God has blessed us with SO much in this country.

Watch this video by the Miniature World project and let some of the numbers sink in.


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