Monday, April 18, 2011

Taking Back Easter

As you know (if you read this post about St. Patty's Day), Tony and I are pretty passionate about getting back to the real meaning of the holidays with our kids.  So Easter....the real meaning of Easter.  I must admit that this one convicted me, hard core convicted.  I LOVE filling Easter baskets, putting my daughter in a cute dress, dying Easter eggs, and Easter egg hunts.  Those things are definitely not bad, but I like them a little too much (ok a lot too much). 

After a long discussion, Tony and I decided to put the real meaning of Easter back into it for our kids.  This is a holiday that is critical.  If we forget the meaning of Easter then Christmas was pointless.  Jesus coming to earth as a baby means nothing if he didn't die 33 years later on Good Friday.  And that is pointless if he didn't rise again in three days (Easter).  Our salvation is based on the fact that by raising from the dead Jesus conquered death and now holds the keys to Hades and death!  If you want to know about what Jesus did for YOU when he died on that cross please read The Story.

So Tony and I want to concentrate on that.  We want to teach our kids how significant that Resurrection was.  We want to teach them that they will have a new life when they believe that Jesus died on the cross for them.  That he died to take away their sins.  So we will be doing many of the same things, we will just be redoing why we are doing them.  They will be using them to emphasize what Jesus did for us, rather then separating the two things.....

Dyeing Easter Eggs??  Yes, we still will be doing this.  However, we will also be making Empty Tomb treats.  (Thank you to some amazing Cubbie Leaders for introducing me to this idea).  Here's what you do.
  • Flatten out a Pillsbury Biscuit
  • Place a marshmallow (representing Jesus) in the middle.  Fold the edges up over the marshmallow.
  • Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
  • Bake like normal.
  • When your child opens their "tomb" they will notice that "Jesus" is no longer there.
These two things combined will make our breakfast Easter morning....yummm.

Easter Egg Hunt??? Yes, we are still doing this.  However, we will be hiding things that represent the story in some of the eggs.  Here are a few ideas I've come up with so far: nails (for the nails in his hands and feet), a thorn (the crown of thorns), a rock (the rock in from of the tomb), an angel (the angle that appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to say "He has risen"), a three (the number of days between his death and Resurrection).

The Golden Egg (used as a "grand" prize)??? Yes, we will still have it.  However, instead of a toy or money it will have a flower bulb.  This will represent new life and will be a reminder to our kids as they watch it grow through out the spring.

Easter Baskets??? Yes, we will still have it.  However, I'm going to try and focus more on buying gifts that are family fun gifts (bubbles, kites, small games).

And we'll still have chocolate....yumm.

Stay tuned for pictures. They will be up pretty late.  We are celebrating a week late because we are going to be moving into our new house that weekend and we don't want to have to dig through totes and boxes to try and organize everything.

What do you do with your kids to celebrate Easter?  Or what have you done in the past or will do in the future?  I would love to hear your suggestions.


Kayla said...

LOVE the empty tomb treats idea! :)

Tony and Heather Snyder said...

I'm super excited about them. The idea is so simple but gets across suck a great message. So perfect for Littles!! And pretty yummy from what I've heard.

Jen and Brian said...

I just did resurrection eggs with my kiddos. Addelice might be a bit young for it, but they loved it. In each egg, you put an item representing part of Jesus's story from Palm SUnday through assention. I highly recommend!! They even remembered the whole story later to tell their dad!! Love your ideas. We are really convicted about holidays too :)