Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Preparing For....

Baby? 1st Grader? 1 child? 3 children? Girl? Boy? 

When we were pregnant we didn't know the sex of our child.  This made it hard to prepare somethings, but overall we were ready.  We knew about when she would arrive.  We had a name picked out (depending on sex).  We had a car seat and basic items she would need.  Her room was ready.  We knew about what size she would be.  And we knew that she was only one.

Fostering is a completely different.  We know absolutely nothing about the child or children we will be getting.  We could receive a baby or a school age child.  We could receive 5 and 6 year old boys or a 3 month old boy and 10 year old girl.  We can't prepare car seats, clothes, or food.  We have done some blanket preparations for rooms but it wouldn't shock us to find out they aren't what we truly need.  And we are not even sure when they will arrive; a day after we are licensed?  A month?  Before Christmas? After the 1st of year?

Do you feel the craziness yet???

Now, take that and apply it to a child.  Everything is normal (not safe or healthy...but normal for them).  They head off to school but at the end of the day, rather then walking home they ride with a social worker to a unfamiliar building.  At first things may seem ok as they play with toys and get McDonald's for supper.  However, a few hours later, rather then going home they are put in a new home with new parents and a new sister.  They have never met these people before.  They may not even be the same race as this child.  His favorite pjs (as awful as they may smell) are no longer in his draw.  The furnace makes weird noises and he isn't quite sure were the bathroom is.  He may have even been separated from his siblings.  Nothing is the same.  He is told this is to keep him "safe" and he will be "happy" with these people.  But right now all he feels is fear and confusion.  A few days later he starts a new school, meets new grandparents, and goes to church for the first time.

Me being "prepared" means nothing to that child and what they just experienced. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are an amazing inspiration! I hope that you and Tony will have a foster child (or children) soon! They will be lucky to have you and our family. I am certain that through your kindness and love you will make every child that enters your home feel welcomed, safe, and loved. We love you!!
- Heather & Brian