Saturday, August 13, 2011

Job Chart

We have decided to start a Job Chart/Behavior Chart for Sweet Pea.  Its only been a few days but already we love it.  Here is how it works.  First, she has three jobs:
  • Pick up toys before naptime.
  • Set the table for supper
  • Pick up dishes after supper
And she has three behaviors that she must display during the job:
  • Happy Heart (good attitude)
  • Fast Feet (no dawdling)
  • Diligently Hands (completely the job well)
We feel these are three attributes that she needs for life, particularly in the work place.
She gets rocks- one for the job and one if she displays all three attributes- and can earn up to six a day.  When she fills her jar she gets a treat.  A movie, ice cream, swimming, the park, something from the dollar store.  We plan to expand and change this a bit with older kids but for our two year old it is working great.  As a side note: notice the stickers on her shirt.  Those for going potty in the toilet.  YAH!


Debra Worth said...

That's a cute idea. We're working on teaching our two year old to obey "all the way, right away, and with a joyful heart". I've not thought about doing this though.

Tony and Heather Snyder said...

I like that phrase a lot! Such good things to teach them young. They may not fully grasp but it will just be common place to them. The rocks are a reward in and of themselves but its interesting b/c if she doesn't want to do something we say "ok, no rocks." Up she pops ready to work.