Thursday, August 11, 2011

So Wrong

Have you ever had those moments where you realized how very wrong you were?  You just have to sit and marvel at how you though you got it all right but it wasn't.  That was us recently.

Recently two little girls forever captured our hearts.  Since then we tried walking through several open doors to minister to this family but God has not allowed us down that path.  A few times I have asked God why we couldn't have gotten them when they would of done so great here.  Little by little God has been answering that question.  One of those answers was a smack in the forehead.

Tony and I have discovered some boundaries that we have drawn with God.  We use Addilece as an excuse, her safety as an excuse.  While it is important to think about our daughter and her safety. It is wrong to use that as an excuse not to do what God wants us to do.

My excuse-no fostering yet. We need a strong 10 year old.  She needs to have a solid sibling.  That may be valid for some people, but God revealed it as an excuse in our lives. 

Tony's excuse-no fostering yet.  Until Addilece is three.  We worked through mine and then we came to this one.  Keep our child safe.  God revealed it as an excuse in our lives.

So here we go, head long into the foster system.  No waiting.  Just trusting.  Trusting God with our daughters safety and well being.  And He will take care of it so much better than I ever could!

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