Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goals 2013

I was updating once a month on our goals for 2012.  However, some goals were originally written with little details and to explain certain things it needed more detail and it got to a point where it wasn't something to share publicly.  However, now that we have six months with these kids under our belt, we need to get back on track.  I feel like we have been living in survival mode for seven months (our entire time in foster care).  It is time to start living in real life.

*Complete the Couch to 5K program.
*Finish six books...including The Well Connect Child, The Out-of-Sync Child, and The Out-of-Sync Child has fun.
*Complete 4 "21 Days" projects (including the kids' life books and spring cleaning).
*Write a blog post bi-weekly (goal updates don't count).
*Decide on and complete one blog series.

*Work on both ministries (King's Closet and Awana) three times a week for at least 1 hour each time.
*Do the research of becoming a non profit for King's Closet, possibly begin process.

*Start and keep updated the kids' life books.
*Write case worker a thank you note four times a year.
*Spend 10 minutes a night filling out behavior journal.

*Work on Awana 4 nights a week with Big Brother and Addilece.
*Work with each child on specific things they each need 3 times a week.
*Spend 2 hours a week doing specific sensory activities.
*Put the helps that Little Man needs into place.
*Take each child on a date twice this year.

*Spend at least one night/weekend alone.
*Read the Bible together 4 nights a week.
*Spend two nights a month on an in home date.
*Spend one night a month on an out of home date.
*Write a love note once a month.
*Ask Tony what he wants done most every week.
*Sit down once a month to re-evaluate schedules and cut what needs to be cut, add what needs to be added.

*Have a bi weekly financial meeting.
*Update the check book bi-weekly.
*Pay off a set amount of debt.
*Save for an anniversary trip.

I actually have MORE goals, but I hope by breaking it down weekly I will get more done.  The are also more specific goals, rather then generalized goals.

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