Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Frugal Tips and Tricks

I've never had the desire to make this blog a "frugal" blog.  Mainly because while I'm getting better at being frugal I am FAR from an expert (and I feel to give others advice on that subject I would need to be much better equipped myself).  However, I've picked up a few trips and tricks along the way.  Many of these I know because others passed on their knowledge to me.

Buying Spices at Whole Food Stores:
Thyme is my all time favorite spice.  However, at a typical grocer I can only find it in glass jars that cost me $4.  I was about to cut it out of our lives when someone informed me that buying spices at a whole/organic food store is MUCH cheaper.  These stores buy in large bulk and allow you to buy as much or as little as you need.  You cut out the packaging and the high price.  That same amount of thyme now costs me $1.  I buy almost all my spices there now.  I also have the money to splurge on a few that I never would of purchased, such as the six cinnamon sticks I bought for around a $1.

Bread Machine Baking:
My family is a sucker for a good loaf of bread.  That is where our bread machine comes in.  I can make loaves of bread that cost $4 to $6 at a bakery for around a $1 or less.  One of our favorite things to make in our bread maker is pizza dough for our pizza nights every Friday night.  Not only is the crust yummy but it is about $3 to make the pizza as compared to $10 to get from our favorite pizza joints.  We also love rolls.  I make up a batch of dough, form it into balls, and freeze.  I'm hoping to make cinnamon rolls soon.
You can find bread machines at garage sales for $10 to $25. 

Homemade Laundry Detergent:
I know what your thinking, "it will never work", "my clothes won't come clean", "its WAY too much work".  I used to think that too.  It took a long time for me be ok with it.  However, for about $10 I made my first 10 gallons.  The next 10 will cost a $1 and my clothes are just as clean as before.  I used the Duggar's recipe.  And it was this blog post that convinced me to take the plunge.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

The awesome thing about learning to be more frugal is many of us are still learning! By sharing the tips that have helped you, you are giving others ideas that they may have not thought of. :) So even though you're still learning, don't hesitate to pass tips along occasionally on your blog. You never know who might've needed to hear it!