Friday, May 18, 2012

Our Foster Care Journey....One Year

Each month I take time to read posts from that month in years past.  I was reading May posts today when I realized that we decided to begin our foster care journey a year ago this month.  I still remember that day where it "hit" me.....we NEED to do this.  God is calling us to do this.  I was fidgeting all day, praying, waiting for my husband to come home.  I sat on our swing set that night and poured out my heart......Surprisingly my husband replied, "I already knew we were suppose to, I was just waiting for you."

So what has one year brought us?  Well, much further then we planned a year ago.  Our grand idea was to wait until Addilece was three.  However, two little girls forever changed our hearts.  We thought we were welcoming them into our homes for a short time.  Instead we met them for 5 minutes and they showed us what it truly means to care for the least of these

We have been through the classes, signed a ton of papers, and been officially licensed.  We have even taken a respite placement for a weekend (babysitting for a foster for over 24 hours).  It has been stressful and tiring.  But doing what God has called us to do has also been beyond fulfilling to us.  And life is about to change again and our journey will take another twist......

And yes I'm going to leave you there......

More to share soon.... 

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