Monday, September 27, 2010

Slow Down

I'm a daydreamer.  I have always been one to imagine what life will be like when such and such happens.  Sometimes it makes me miss what is in the present.  Not everything with the hysterectomy has been negative.  We have gotten to see some true blessings out of it.  The biggest one being that we will get to experience the miracle of adoption in a way we had never planned ourselves.  Another blessing has been the "slowing down". 

We were hoping to naturally space our children about 2 years apart.  With that timing I would probably be pregnant right now.  That of course would get my dreaming to an all time high, which (like I said) sometimes makes me miss things. 

We feel like we are being called to sibling sets and not newborns.  Even though our application will say "0 to whatever" we don't expect to ever have a newborn in our house again.  We don't feel like God has asked us to pursue that, if he drops it in our laps that's different.  With that we have felt like the firsts we have been able to experience w/ Addilece (crawling, talking, walking, laugh, birthday, etc) will be the only time we have experience them. 

Many times as I go through my day spending time with my family I feel this nudge (the Holy Spirit) saying "slow down, don't miss this".  I feel like I'm being told to take a minute and take in the things around me.  I need to stop and notice whatever adorably cute thing my daughter and usually her Daddy are doing.  I store it away in my brain.  I might never see some of these cute moments again.

What a blessing it has been to be forced to slow down and soak it all up.  I have been able to enjoy my Sweetie Pea for who she is...

Here is one of my slow down moments that I was able to catch on video.

Sorry the video quality is poor......we only have a camera to take videos with and it was pretty dark outside already.  Maybe one day we will have something nicer, but it is good enough to capture the pictures I would like to capture on it.

1 comment:

Patti Lacy said...

You are such an inspiration, dear one.

I love Romans 8:28 as it captures the essence of what you are saying.
