Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 Goals Completed

Overall I would say I got a lot of things accomplished this year.  It feels so nice to "check" it off the list at the end of the year.

*Complete the Couch to 5K program.
*Finish six books...including The Well Connect Child, The Out-of-Sync Child, and The Out-of-Sync Child has fun.
*Complete 4 "21 Days" projects (including the kids' life books and spring cleaning).
*Write a blog post bi-weekly (goal updates don't count).
*Decide on and complete one blog series.

*Work on both ministries (King's Closet and Awana) three times a week for at least 1 hour each time. (Awana-yes....KC-no)
*Do the research of becoming a non profit for King's Closet, possibly begin process.

*Start and keep updated the kids' life books. (Nothining....just ideas in my head)
*Write case worker a thank you note four times a year. (We wrote two thank you notes, and then I fell off the band wagon)
*Spend 10 minutes a night filling out behavior journal.

*Work on Awana 4 nights a week with Big Brother and Addilece.
*Work with each child on specific things they each need 3 times a week.
*Spend 2 hours a week doing specific sensory activities. (I want to become more intentional about this this next year).
*Put the helps that Little Man needs into place.
*Take each child on a date twice this year.

*Spend at least one night/weekend alone.
*Read the Bible together 4 nights a week. (We were not very good at this.)
*Spend two nights a month on an in home date.
*Spend one night a month on an out of home date. (This is just NOT possible at this stage in life....having in home dates after the kids go to bed allows us to have time together and the refreshment we need.)
*Write a love note once a month. (All but November)
*Ask Tony what he wants done most every week.
*Sit down once a month to re-evaluate schedules and cut what needs to be cut, add what needs to be added.

*Have a bi weekly financial meeting.
*Update the check book bi-weekly.
*Pay off a set amount of debt. (Plus some)
*Save for an anniversary trip. (Plus a new dryer and washing machine and a new xbox and kinect)

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